Quoted on “Embracing The Competition”
I was just quoted on how to embrace your competition. No, it doesn’t involve a knife in the other hand 🙂
In the end, if you can make the pie bigger, you both win.
I was just quoted on how to embrace your competition. No, it doesn’t involve a knife in the other hand 🙂
In the end, if you can make the pie bigger, you both win.
The Northern Lights have seen strange sights,
But the queerest they ever did see … – The Cremation of Sam McGee
While they may not quite compare to the sight spoken of by the nameless narrator of Robert Service’s famous poem, nonetheless some of the tales I’ve heard lately of interviews certainly give Cremation of Sam McGee a run for its money.
By far the most dramatic was the interviewer who spent the entire interview reading email. When the candidate tried to get the interviewer’s attention, the response was, “We multi-task here.”
You might also want to read another article I wrote on recruiting, “How you hire just as key as who you hire.”
I was recently interviewed on Youth Sport Radio on how to build confidence in young athletes. Funny thing… the same techniques work for older athletes and, with a very little modification, in a business setting as well.
This one was just published in the CEO Refresher. The link is only good for month, so the text is below:
Once upon a time, the late and unlamented Soviet Union decided to grow wheat in Siberia. Their logic was simple: by growing wheat in the inhospitable conditions of Siberia, the wheat would become stronger. The wheat, however, was indifferent to Soviet philosophy. Despite speeches, threats, and promises from the government, the wheat stubbornly refused to grow.
In 1990s, a group of Nobel Prize winning economists developed some very interesting theories about how the financial markets should work. Their theories were brilliant and attracted billions in investment dollars into the hedge fund they created. Long-term Capital Management almost took down the entire US economy when it collapsed in the summer of 1998.
In both cases, a belief about how the world should work was trumped by the way the world does work.
To bring this a little closer to home, I worked with one high technology company that decided to create a set of coding standards for its software development team. While not an unusual occurrence in software companies, in this case, the manager in charge wrote up a fifty (that’s right, 50) page standards document. Naturally, everyone was overjoyed and memorized everything; at least, that’s what the manager thought. In fact, no one read more than a page or two and most of the engineers ignored even that.
Another company was trying to manage information: design decisions, notes from discussions, and so forth. They had the very good idea that they could manage all their accumulated wisdom as a Wiki. Unfortunately, the Wiki swiftly ballooned into an unmanageable morass of data in which no one could actually find anything useful. The problem wasn’t so much getting people to remember to update the Wiki; it was organizing the information in a manner useful to everyone who needed to use it, and in convincing people to take the time to keep it organized. Indeed, even agreeing on how it should be organized generated controversy and bad feeling.
In both of these cases, beliefs about how people should do their work were trumped by the way people actually do work. Like Soviet wheat, it can be remarkably difficult to motivate or threaten people into doing something that they really do not want to do. Unlike wheat, people can be forced. It’s merely a question of how much time and energy you want to spend: pushing people takes a great deal of effort and tends to result in significant amounts of anger and frustration for all parties involved. Not, in other words, a conducive atmosphere for creating a strong, collaborative team.
Of course, sometimes it is necessary to have people do things they don’t want to do. Code does need to be commented, information needs to be documented, and so forth. Fortunately, unlike wheat, people can be convinced. Instead of pushing them, the key is to get them to pull: the best teams are the ones that know where they should go and will trample anyone who gets in their way. How do you create such a team? Here are some tips:
This may seem like a lot of steps, and there certainly is effort involved. The Soviet Union decided it was easier to yell at the wheat. Given the amount of wheat they imported, it’s clear which method is cheaper in the long run.
Good luck!
I was just quoted in “91 Ways to Get Out of the Box.”
(I’m number 14).
Here’s what I wrote (and he used all of it!):
How To Get Out Of The Box: If you’re stuck…
Pick up a book, take a class, listen to a CD, but learn something new. Doesn’t matter what it is, or whether it’s connected to your field. Look for the unexpected connections.
Experiment and make mistakes. Explore. Try something unexpected.
Take breaks. Stop and reflect on what you’re doing. The eureka moment comes when least expected.
Be patient. Getting out of the box takes time!
I was just quoted in an article titled, “5 signs you’re not cut out to be a project manager”
If you’d rather not read the whole article, here’s what I said:
In my experience, there are "natural" project managers in much the same way that there are natural athletes, musicians, writers, etc. In other words, some people might start with more natural talent than others, but if you want to be really good, you have to practice and develop your talent. Unfortunately, there are so many poor managers out there that someone who is even marginally skilled looks fantastic. That said, I've observed that the best project managers have as a common trait the ability to yield power. It's the ability to give people as much autonomy as possible while still maintaining a sense of team cohesion that makes the best project managers. While some people might do that naturally, almost anyone can learn to do it." The reporter didn't use the whole quote, but I think he got the point across.
Ever wondered why some teams are a pleasure to work for and others are a royal pain? You can find out on my live radio interview on Leadership and Team Formation.
You can also read a discussion of the show here.
I was interviewed recently on Motivational Minds radio on the value of making mistakes in creating an innovative organization. Check it out!
The holidays are the season for Yankee Swaps. Now, a Yankee Swap would seem to be a fairly simple and straightforward activity: each person either chooses a wrapped gift or steals an opened gift from someone else. This latter activity can, of course, trigger a chain reaction, but that’s part of the fun. At the end, everyone feels like they had at least some measure of control over the outcome. One would think it difficult, if not impossible, to mess up a Yankee Swap.
However, all things are possible. In this case, one company held a Yankee Swap with incredibly detailed and complicated rules which had as its most salient feature that no gifts were opened until the very end. In other words, the experience was transformed into the equivalent of a very slow grab bag: a long, frustrating, totally random process at the end of which people felt that they had no control over the outcome. Ironically, the most common complaint from employees at this company is that many of the rules are complex, time consuming, and leave them feeling like they have very little control over how they get their work done.
Read the rest at Affluent Magazine
There are a great many ways to complete the phrase, “If it ain’t broke…” The classic, of course, is “don’t fix it,” but I’ve found that “then it doesn’t have enough features,” is also pretty popular. While some other popular endings include “then you haven’t hit it hard enough,” “clearly it’s unbreakable,” and “don’t upgrade it,” for the most part, they’re variations of the first two.
Read the rest at Enterprise Management Quarterly.