Quoted in PM Planet
I was just quoted in an article titled, “5 signs you’re not cut out to be a project manager”
If you’d rather not read the whole article, here’s what I said:
In my experience, there are "natural" project managers in much the same way that there are natural athletes, musicians, writers, etc. In other words, some people might start with more natural talent than others, but if you want to be really good, you have to practice and develop your talent. Unfortunately, there are so many poor managers out there that someone who is even marginally skilled looks fantastic. That said, I've observed that the best project managers have as a common trait the ability to yield power. It's the ability to give people as much autonomy as possible while still maintaining a sense of team cohesion that makes the best project managers. While some people might do that naturally, almost anyone can learn to do it." The reporter didn't use the whole quote, but I think he got the point across.